In less than eight hours a breakthrough year 2010/2011. As always at such moments a man overlap different thoughts. Definitely most people the new year, hopes that the next 365 days will be good, better than the passing years. Make plans and hopes, we set goals to achieve. Usually they are connected with work and personal life. Both areas of human functioning is a symbiotic relationship, inextricably linked. To live with dignity, you have to work even ... well, to have such resources for life. It is great when professional work gives us pleasure and satisfaction, when referring to her successes, develop. We live and meet up.
For me personally, last year was good. The school teacher was promoted to the chartered teacher. School is cool, I love her and the children have always cooperative intellectual and physical (PE). Police Technology The MOK lived jubilee year. The plans were big, bold, and feasible (cheap at all). It turned out contrary to my expectations and dreams. Everything is "messed up" by opponents of the history, traditions, identity, economic lobby in favor. Despite this, we have completed the event, the common denominator of the 750 - anniversary of the Police and did it well. In the summer surprised us with a failure of the roof and flooded the Gallery of Historical and rooms below it. There was a lot of physical labor to the relocation of the entire GHP belongings from place to place. Now We are on your own, decorating the exhibition takes over again. Work slowly nearing the end of February and we go to education, cognitive forward.
plans for 2010 have (s) ambitious. A novelty will be to implement an idea related to the adaptation of new historical and cultural area, which is still in the future to mention. The case is interesting, worthwhile and extremely personal involvement in my creative raises concern. On going to make an exhibition of artwork in the "Gallery In addition to" my authorship: "Police do not know what." I'm after an initial conversation with Tom leading gallery of suet. Deadline will determine any day.
utmost importance to keep a blog. It's important for me to a forum of expression. Of course, I "gave" to the other friendly forums. I mean, among others. "Police News" and others. I will continue to lead, "Chronicle of the Municipal Police," which is to be in full zdigilityzowana at the City Library. While I thank all my friends the history of Police, my son Jacob, for their cooperation, kindness and common action on the flourishing culture of the Earth Police.
Jan Matura

The photo-model of spatial development Pilch done by the students of Primary School in that town at a conference of teachers regionalists - MOK - May - 2010 years
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