Google hits the shopping block, it creates its own Groupon
After failing acquisition, for which Google was willing to pay $ 6 billion giant intends to create a custom service that allows group purchases.
Google Offers to be in direct competition Groupon. For information about the new project, namely the secret documents sent out to potential business partners, reached the site Mashable. The records show that Google Offers a daily basis will be presented selected products or services, discount and limit who can benefit from the discount. Principle - as you can see - the same as in Grouponie. The service will
received 20 percent of the amount the company will earn promotion to the Google Offers. However, this money will be paid only when the customers pay.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Airsoft Gun Desert Eagle For Sale
arc Bolkow
Last year was good for Szczecin archaeologists. Dr. Tadeusz Galinski (guest October conference history) and his staff discovered during testing in Bolkow, near Lake Świdwie Mesolithic hunters bow before 9500 years.
visible in the photo section arc seemingly rather ugly. But for researchers is extremely valuable. It is the first in Poland and one of the few in Europe discovery of this type.
Spars arc has a length of 60 cm and width from 4 to 1.2 cm. Once when he served the people of the hunt, was 140 cm in length and was possibly made of yew.
Arc abandoned near the camp, which means that on our land even during the preborealnym (about 9700 BC-9400 la) lived, camped people. This time period is the oldest European settlements in the Lowlands Mesolithic hunters.
This discovery extends the history of Earth's prehistory Police and historical knowledge about it.
Last year was good for Szczecin archaeologists. Dr. Tadeusz Galinski (guest October conference history) and his staff discovered during testing in Bolkow, near Lake Świdwie Mesolithic hunters bow before 9500 years.
visible in the photo section arc seemingly rather ugly. But for researchers is extremely valuable. It is the first in Poland and one of the few in Europe discovery of this type.
Spars arc has a length of 60 cm and width from 4 to 1.2 cm. Once when he served the people of the hunt, was 140 cm in length and was possibly made of yew.
Arc abandoned near the camp, which means that on our land even during the preborealnym (about 9700 BC-9400 la) lived, camped people. This time period is the oldest European settlements in the Lowlands Mesolithic hunters.

This discovery extends the history of Earth's prehistory Police and historical knowledge about it.
When Was Pope Gosser China Jean Created
Tusk will face ethics committee. "I have no inclination pieniaczych"
According to Mr Law and Justice head of the government during last week's parliamentary debate on the Smolensk disaster insulted the victims' families when he said that some families do not want to explain the truth.
It's about Prime Minister's statement: "From the first hours after the disaster intensified - not only me - the impression that there are other views, other political interests rather than those that we have identified as a priority. Not everyone was interested in the full truth about the disaster and by far not all were interested in that did not turn into a disaster of Smolensk is also a disaster in the relations between the Polish and its neighbors, including the Russian Federation ".
asked Tusk in Gdansk on Monday, whether to report at the request of the Sejm of the Ethics Committee, said: "As the ethics committee calls for some Members, he would - in my opinion - there is too much choice and puts up."
According to Mr Law and Justice head of the government during last week's parliamentary debate on the Smolensk disaster insulted the victims' families when he said that some families do not want to explain the truth.
It's about Prime Minister's statement: "From the first hours after the disaster intensified - not only me - the impression that there are other views, other political interests rather than those that we have identified as a priority. Not everyone was interested in the full truth about the disaster and by far not all were interested in that did not turn into a disaster of Smolensk is also a disaster in the relations between the Polish and its neighbors, including the Russian Federation ".
asked Tusk in Gdansk on Monday, whether to report at the request of the Sejm of the Ethics Committee, said: "As the ethics committee calls for some Members, he would - in my opinion - there is too much choice and puts up."
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Number On Andy Sixx's' Neck
essence of the project - Tusk argued - "are not maneuvers Pensions Poles, with personal accounts for future retirees, but change the structure of the collection and transfer of contributions. "But this contribution will remain at the pensioner" - assured.
He emphasized that "some financial institutions may be dissatisfied because the get less money." does not apply to retirees. Contributions to their accounts at the same rate will be affected "- he stressed.
" The stability of pensions depends on whether the public finances, Polish state will have no ability to pay. These changes are guaranteed in the future "- said the Prime Minister.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Genital Warts And Buring Feeling
" If I was not 100 percent convinced that the effect of the changes proposed by us is more secure retirement and not less, I would not engaged in that decision "- Tusk told a news conference in Gdansk.
The Prime Minister proposed that the Minister Michał Boni presented the" are intended to finance security, not only Polish state, but also every retiree - today and tomorrow. "
" All who are concerned that the proposed changes may affect future retirees, they should try to understand what is going on in the changes proposed by us. Anyone who understands - and we'll translate for weeks, what these changes will involve, the intentions and objectives of the Act - see that future pensions will be safer, and not vice versa "- said the head of government.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Pokemon Fire Red Berry Guy
Farewell to Maria last bell
Farewell to Maria - a summary, Tadeusz Borowski - Farewell to Maria and detailed summary other stories. The summary itself very good, very detailed. Farewell to Maria - the development, abstract, mbook, develop .. develop reading, summaries, analysis, poetry, presentations, essays.
Farewell to Maria - a summary, Tadeusz Borowski - Farewell to Maria and detailed summary other stories. The summary itself very good, very detailed. Farewell to Maria - the development, abstract, mbook, develop .. develop reading, summaries, analysis, poetry, presentations, essays.
Broken Capillaries On Cheeks Toddler
Premier: changes in the pension funds to finance security
Government in order to reduce the growth of public debt and deficit , intends to change pension system. Instead of 7.3 percent. contributions to Open Pension Funds has hit 2.3 percent. The remaining 5 percent. will be posted to individual accounts in Social Security personal.
government draft changes to the pension system, introduced on Monday, Minister Michał Boni. The project envisages changes to investment limits pension funds, also provides for changes in the investment policy of pension funds and introduces additional tax incentives for saving for retirement.
Government in order to reduce the growth of public debt and deficit , intends to change pension system. Instead of 7.3 percent. contributions to Open Pension Funds has hit 2.3 percent. The remaining 5 percent. will be posted to individual accounts in Social Security personal.
government draft changes to the pension system, introduced on Monday, Minister Michał Boni. The project envisages changes to investment limits pension funds, also provides for changes in the investment policy of pension funds and introduces additional tax incentives for saving for retirement.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Doxycycline Does Not Work Urethritis
Gifts from Trzebież
One day I received an email from Maciek Jamnickiego of Trzebież asking if we are interested in ancient objects that are not needed him, and perhaps be useful in the Gallery of Historical Police. I wrote back that, of course, yes. After a few days at the reception awaited me MOK these "belongings." At the sight of one of them, I laughed with delight at the whole mouth .
My satisfaction has raised image of a Madonna figure with captions at the top "Sweet Heart of Mary," bottom "or mojem salvation." Just below "300 days of indulgence Pius IX, Sept. 30, 1852. "
This is a very valuable reminder maintained in good condition, which will enrich the department Gallery policzan spiritual life. " Although the picture does not come from the nineteenth century Police, but this is a valuable object of worship. Please note that the post-war immigrants brought here many valuable memorabilia in their opinion, including objects of worship, religious articles.
Buying indulgences was a tradition in the Church, one of the forms zaskarbienia the grace of the Creator. By purchasing an image, which today has exactly 161 years in complying with the yet additional conditions could be made 300 days indulgence. This image is one of the most original souvenir of the nineteenth century in the collection of GHP.
addition Jamnické Matt told us: electric adapter Narcissus G-260 - 1968, tape szpulowy "Tonette" - also the 60th year Twentieth century, the book-"Wreaths" - 1949 - Louis Swieżawski, a book-"Hero Cis" - Kazimierz Rosinkiewicz-twentieth century interwar years
With this in mind, I recall that everyone who wants to convey to the GHP old souvenirs, it could do. In a rematch replaced by appreciation and acknowledgment of the gift and the book is written to the donors. Therefore, we encourage and look forward to further objects from the old days!
One day I received an email from Maciek Jamnickiego of Trzebież asking if we are interested in ancient objects that are not needed him, and perhaps be useful in the Gallery of Historical Police. I wrote back that, of course, yes. After a few days at the reception awaited me MOK these "belongings." At the sight of one of them, I laughed with delight at the whole mouth .
My satisfaction has raised image of a Madonna figure with captions at the top "Sweet Heart of Mary," bottom "or mojem salvation." Just below "300 days of indulgence Pius IX, Sept. 30, 1852. "

This is a very valuable reminder maintained in good condition, which will enrich the department Gallery policzan spiritual life. " Although the picture does not come from the nineteenth century Police, but this is a valuable object of worship. Please note that the post-war immigrants brought here many valuable memorabilia in their opinion, including objects of worship, religious articles.
Buying indulgences was a tradition in the Church, one of the forms zaskarbienia the grace of the Creator. By purchasing an image, which today has exactly 161 years in complying with the yet additional conditions could be made 300 days indulgence. This image is one of the most original souvenir of the nineteenth century in the collection of GHP.

addition Jamnické Matt told us: electric adapter Narcissus G-260 - 1968, tape szpulowy "Tonette" - also the 60th year Twentieth century, the book-"Wreaths" - 1949 - Louis Swieżawski, a book-"Hero Cis" - Kazimierz Rosinkiewicz-twentieth century interwar years
With this in mind, I recall that everyone who wants to convey to the GHP old souvenirs, it could do. In a rematch replaced by appreciation and acknowledgment of the gift and the book is written to the donors. Therefore, we encourage and look forward to further objects from the old days!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Which Mascara Is Best For Blepharitis
police750 Vote for ...
... even just to the south, tomorrow 20 January. Of course, it is only fun on the commitment that I ran out of time. But ... every vote welcome. Next year will be better! Until then, let's cells in his hands and ślijmy sms for only 1.23 zł gross. The information next to it.
... even just to the south, tomorrow 20 January. Of course, it is only fun on the commitment that I ran out of time. But ... every vote welcome. Next year will be better! Until then, let's cells in his hands and ślijmy sms for only 1.23 zł gross. The information next to it.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Como Poner El Dry Wall
Calendar Municipal Police to Dary 2010
Traditionally, like every year I recall interesting events in the life of community, our local community.
31.12-1.1 welcome the New Year Jubilee of MOK. The inauguration of the jubilee of the 750th anniversary of municipal rights Policom
6.1 and Police, "the January Focus" used by smoking trees, organized by the Association itself Rama
10.1 Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. 39.3 thousand were collected. gold
26-27.1 reduce gas supplies to ZCH (85% of standard delivery) 27.1
historical tale in the MOK-"Monuments Municipal Police," starring John Anthony Kłys
1-7.2 shares of the Municipal Police and Police "Safe holiday" in the clubs of district Police community
1-14.2 organized winter holidays in MOK, City Library, schools, schools for pupils polickich
* Cable Television award in the Seventh Police nationwide "That concerns us," for editing "Teletygodnia" and "We read Herbert's"
* start hotel demolition Chemist
* 24.2 ZCH have lost ground: in the last 3 months 90 mln zł., and in 426 million zł. Net loss
4.3 indulgence in the Parish of St. Casimir with Bishop John Gałeckiego
17.3 plantains cultural presentation at the Municipal Cultural Center Spring
24.3 Job Fair at Club Teacher
27.3 Policka Gala II Movement in the Middle School No. 3
* Starting street repair Sand
* ad "amnesty" for readers of City Library with the donation of books littering
15.4 ceremonial session of the City Council and the County paid tragedy in Smolensk
15.5 shanty concert Łarpia Sail Festival in Police
18-22.5 speed pilgrimage Running from Police-Police Wadowice
19.5 teachers regionalists III Conference in MOK
21.6 termination by the Company's Board ZCH Collective Labour Agreement enables undertake the second stage of restructuring
4-5.6 International Days of Police, 2010. German Polish Festival of Talents
4.6 solemn session dedicated to the City Council 750 - anniversary of the unveiling of Police
4.6 Jubilee commemorative plaques in the market. Opening of the Tourist Information Centre and Cultural restored church of St Mary's side
8.6 exhibition Police known and unknown "in the Pomeranian Library
13.6 25 - th anniversary of the parish church of St. Casimir Police
25.6 "Midsummer" and "Time for Thinning in Trzebież
26.6 Picnic NGO at 26.6 X Trzebież
County Fire-fighting competition in the Sports and Trzeszczynie
7.7 Fun with the Polish Radio in Trzebież "Treasure Hunt"
11.7 concert in the church of St. Casimir devoted to flood victims
13-25.7-50. children rested on the flood Trzebież
25.7 dedication restored building for use as commons in Uniemyślu
31.7 Polish-German Days Lagoon-Neptunalia 2010
IV 28.8 28.8 Fair Augustinian
unveiling of commemorative plaques in Jasienica-Spirit and dedicated Police former residents Police and prison ship in Bremerhaven
4.9 "Lux Aeterna" - a show, musical concert dedicated to former and current residents of Old Town Park Police
5.9 launch of the first windmill in the village gym in Upper Leśno
communal harvest of 5.9 Przęsocinie
11.9 'Police Police' meeting of officials in many countries in the festival festivities 18.9
Hospice of Queen of Apostles in Police
1.10 policzan meeting with Aleksandr Check before his trip across the Atlantic, the presentation 28.10
kayak Conference on "Police throughout history," Police
1922-1924 Music Days 2010
13.10 Police National Education Day. Mayor Vladislav Diakun awarded nearly 30 teachers from the community
20.10 IX Police Job Fair MOK "The chance for a better future,"
* Police century rail line Jasienica Szczecin, and later Thinning
* ZCH reported profit of 10.9 million zł. for the third quarter of 2010
November 4.11
opening pitch "Orlik" in Niekłończycy 6.11
visit ZCH-Police Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski European Committee for the operational programming
17.11 opening of a new part of the Pre-adopt or
18.11 ZCH agreement with banks PKO BP and Pekao SA on the extension of credit limits for operating activities
21.11 local government elections to municipal and county 23.11
official election results. Mayor Vladislav Diakun stewards of the city and municipality of the V term
December 2.12
ceremonial session of the City Council in MOK. Appointment to the position of President Vytautas RM King. His deputies: Ufniarz and Mariusz Grzegorz Rozycki
3.12 resignation as president ZCH Police SA Zbigniew Miklewicz
5.12 nationwide award for P. Wojciechowski and M. Kaczmarek, tv Kab Police for the program "Stop Racism in Sports" mayor's swearing-
6.12 Wladyslaw Diakuna Police during the second session RM 20.12
carol singing in the MOK polickich involving choirs and vocal ensembles 20.12
appearance in the publishing magnificent anthology of poetry and the regional Police
23-25.12 supply interruptions in many places in the municipality of Police, including Police
24/25.12 part in a midnight mass in churches, community Police, Trzebież, comprise all, Przęsocinie .. .
photo Mariusz Hałgas
Traditionally, like every year I recall interesting events in the life of community, our local community.
31.12-1.1 welcome the New Year Jubilee of MOK. The inauguration of the jubilee of the 750th anniversary of municipal rights Policom
6.1 and Police, "the January Focus" used by smoking trees, organized by the Association itself Rama
10.1 Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. 39.3 thousand were collected. gold
26-27.1 reduce gas supplies to ZCH (85% of standard delivery) 27.1
historical tale in the MOK-"Monuments Municipal Police," starring John Anthony Kłys

1-7.2 shares of the Municipal Police and Police "Safe holiday" in the clubs of district Police community
1-14.2 organized winter holidays in MOK, City Library, schools, schools for pupils polickich
* Cable Television award in the Seventh Police nationwide "That concerns us," for editing "Teletygodnia" and "We read Herbert's"
* start hotel demolition Chemist
* 24.2 ZCH have lost ground: in the last 3 months 90 mln zł., and in 426 million zł. Net loss
4.3 indulgence in the Parish of St. Casimir with Bishop John Gałeckiego
17.3 plantains cultural presentation at the Municipal Cultural Center Spring
24.3 Job Fair at Club Teacher
27.3 Policka Gala II Movement in the Middle School No. 3
* Starting street repair Sand
* ad "amnesty" for readers of City Library with the donation of books littering
15.4 ceremonial session of the City Council and the County paid tragedy in Smolensk
15.5 shanty concert Łarpia Sail Festival in Police
18-22.5 speed pilgrimage Running from Police-Police Wadowice
19.5 teachers regionalists III Conference in MOK
21.6 termination by the Company's Board ZCH Collective Labour Agreement enables undertake the second stage of restructuring
4-5.6 International Days of Police, 2010. German Polish Festival of Talents
4.6 solemn session dedicated to the City Council 750 - anniversary of the unveiling of Police
4.6 Jubilee commemorative plaques in the market. Opening of the Tourist Information Centre and Cultural restored church of St Mary's side
8.6 exhibition Police known and unknown "in the Pomeranian Library
13.6 25 - th anniversary of the parish church of St. Casimir Police
25.6 "Midsummer" and "Time for Thinning in Trzebież
26.6 Picnic NGO at 26.6 X Trzebież
County Fire-fighting competition in the Sports and Trzeszczynie
7.7 Fun with the Polish Radio in Trzebież "Treasure Hunt"
11.7 concert in the church of St. Casimir devoted to flood victims
13-25.7-50. children rested on the flood Trzebież
25.7 dedication restored building for use as commons in Uniemyślu
31.7 Polish-German Days Lagoon-Neptunalia 2010
IV 28.8 28.8 Fair Augustinian
unveiling of commemorative plaques in Jasienica-Spirit and dedicated Police former residents Police and prison ship in Bremerhaven

4.9 "Lux Aeterna" - a show, musical concert dedicated to former and current residents of Old Town Park Police
5.9 launch of the first windmill in the village gym in Upper Leśno
communal harvest of 5.9 Przęsocinie
11.9 'Police Police' meeting of officials in many countries in the festival festivities 18.9
Hospice of Queen of Apostles in Police
1.10 policzan meeting with Aleksandr Check before his trip across the Atlantic, the presentation 28.10
kayak Conference on "Police throughout history," Police
1922-1924 Music Days 2010
13.10 Police National Education Day. Mayor Vladislav Diakun awarded nearly 30 teachers from the community
20.10 IX Police Job Fair MOK "The chance for a better future,"
* Police century rail line Jasienica Szczecin, and later Thinning
* ZCH reported profit of 10.9 million zł. for the third quarter of 2010

November 4.11
opening pitch "Orlik" in Niekłończycy 6.11
visit ZCH-Police Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski European Committee for the operational programming
17.11 opening of a new part of the Pre-adopt or
18.11 ZCH agreement with banks PKO BP and Pekao SA on the extension of credit limits for operating activities
21.11 local government elections to municipal and county 23.11
official election results. Mayor Vladislav Diakun stewards of the city and municipality of the V term

December 2.12
ceremonial session of the City Council in MOK. Appointment to the position of President Vytautas RM King. His deputies: Ufniarz and Mariusz Grzegorz Rozycki
3.12 resignation as president ZCH Police SA Zbigniew Miklewicz
5.12 nationwide award for P. Wojciechowski and M. Kaczmarek, tv Kab Police for the program "Stop Racism in Sports" mayor's swearing-
6.12 Wladyslaw Diakuna Police during the second session RM 20.12
carol singing in the MOK polickich involving choirs and vocal ensembles 20.12
appearance in the publishing magnificent anthology of poetry and the regional Police
23-25.12 supply interruptions in many places in the municipality of Police, including Police
24/25.12 part in a midnight mass in churches, community Police, Trzebież, comprise all, Przęsocinie .. .
photo Mariusz Hałgas
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Is Pokemon Cydia Free
On Sunday, another Final Police Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. In addition to stands with different fantami, performances on stage, the most important accent is the listing and sale of various items, artwork, souvenirs, including the historical.
Auctions on stage MOK probably run for 6 years and I remember that, among various things for sale were, among others. coins, books, medals, maps and postcards. Traditionally, the action turns Andrzej Kowalik known before the extensive collection of postcards 1945 Police and surrounding areas. This year, Andrew transferred to the sale of two postcards: the first Trzebież, signed the second date of 1912 years from Police - River Łarpia (aka view) addressed to Willi Holz capita Hoyerswerda, Germany. Postcards will be available after 17.00, when it will begin the final stage GOCC. Thus, to see you on Sunday in the auditorium MOK!

Sunday, January 2, 2011
How To Make A Cozy Cup For A Guinea Pig
Orchestra Rows of Police, neighborhoods and even from further consideration
It is nice to pick up a decent book. The double sense: a good interesting content, secondly neatly issued. The best in stiff covers, sewn, scented with fresh paper and printing. Such a pleasure to met me a few days ago when I was given to the hand "Stanzas from over Łarpii" an anthology of poetry and the regional Police. Drew my attention to writing on the cover of "1260 - 2010, (below) 750 years of Police." Thus, out of nowhere to hit the cultural market of Police position, that astonishes very positive.
anthology has been prepared by the Regional Board of the Association of Literary and Artistic Police. Development of Anna took up the position Słowińska-president of the Association, Staszek Rapior, the publication has been subsidized from the competitive bid municipal office and SŁOWIŃSCY Financial Center.
At 263 pages anthology of 47 poems are presented by contributors including 21 women. The authors come from the Police, Szczecin, Wołczkowa, Warzymic, suburb, Trzebież. The poems are about life, feelings, passing, rising, sadness and joy. But also affect individual towns Land Police. Most poems are dedicated to Policom. The authors also write about Kołbaskowie, Brzózkach, Trzebież, Warzymicach, New Warpnie, Wołczkowie, Jasienica. Rhymes describe specific place symbols Police: lapidary, Sedin, Szczecin Lagoon, Łarpię, Forest Wkrzańska.
songs are very personal, some dedicated specifically to Marian Yoph - Żabińskiemu, Bronislaw Mesterházy - Okopińskiej, Chris Toboła. That you are no longer among us every day is not. But there thanks to the legacy that they left. Thus, in the anthology Chris bundles cartoons, poems and Bronisława Marian. Particularly affected me one of her poems, which is a kind of farewell to life. The words were written a year before the death of the poet:
a silent night I go out sailing dreams.
I proceed, guided by the stars, check the course.
And for the time he stood side-
ship time decreases.
shortens the longer I swim
-Ku island happy,
To end a cruise.
The 750 - year period by Stanislaw Rapior:
look that's 750 years
oplotło temples of our city
counts after the age of the number of events
emotions energy experience ...
stuck in my memory even Jedrzej Lukasiewicz words:
Already all the clocks were invented,
to the sense of time became a relative value,
So never say senile:
I have so many years and many of them ... Years have gone
are not your ...
surprise for me personally is a poem dedicated to my humble person, whom I knew not, though the author before his death, I spent a lot of time. The poem was written by Marian Yopha-Zabinski the fact another Augustinian Mar Fairgrounds, which I am co-organizer. Thank you Marian for the words that you wrote on her next karteluszce.
The anthology is a few of my poems written 20-30 years ago. Their publication persuaded me Adam Siedlecki, the good spirit of the Association. He was consistent and persistent in namowach. In this way, debuted as wierszopisarz, though this form of expression is far from me this time. Not less I am glad that I found myself in such a worthy group polickich piewców beauty in which we live. Jan Matura
It is nice to pick up a decent book. The double sense: a good interesting content, secondly neatly issued. The best in stiff covers, sewn, scented with fresh paper and printing. Such a pleasure to met me a few days ago when I was given to the hand "Stanzas from over Łarpii" an anthology of poetry and the regional Police. Drew my attention to writing on the cover of "1260 - 2010, (below) 750 years of Police." Thus, out of nowhere to hit the cultural market of Police position, that astonishes very positive.
anthology has been prepared by the Regional Board of the Association of Literary and Artistic Police. Development of Anna took up the position Słowińska-president of the Association, Staszek Rapior, the publication has been subsidized from the competitive bid municipal office and SŁOWIŃSCY Financial Center.

At 263 pages anthology of 47 poems are presented by contributors including 21 women. The authors come from the Police, Szczecin, Wołczkowa, Warzymic, suburb, Trzebież. The poems are about life, feelings, passing, rising, sadness and joy. But also affect individual towns Land Police. Most poems are dedicated to Policom. The authors also write about Kołbaskowie, Brzózkach, Trzebież, Warzymicach, New Warpnie, Wołczkowie, Jasienica. Rhymes describe specific place symbols Police: lapidary, Sedin, Szczecin Lagoon, Łarpię, Forest Wkrzańska.
songs are very personal, some dedicated specifically to Marian Yoph - Żabińskiemu, Bronislaw Mesterházy - Okopińskiej, Chris Toboła. That you are no longer among us every day is not. But there thanks to the legacy that they left. Thus, in the anthology Chris bundles cartoons, poems and Bronisława Marian. Particularly affected me one of her poems, which is a kind of farewell to life. The words were written a year before the death of the poet:
a silent night I go out sailing dreams.
I proceed, guided by the stars, check the course.
And for the time he stood side-
ship time decreases.
shortens the longer I swim
-Ku island happy,
To end a cruise.
The 750 - year period by Stanislaw Rapior:
look that's 750 years
oplotło temples of our city
counts after the age of the number of events
emotions energy experience ...
stuck in my memory even Jedrzej Lukasiewicz words:
Already all the clocks were invented,
to the sense of time became a relative value,
So never say senile:
I have so many years and many of them ... Years have gone
are not your ...
surprise for me personally is a poem dedicated to my humble person, whom I knew not, though the author before his death, I spent a lot of time. The poem was written by Marian Yopha-Zabinski the fact another Augustinian Mar Fairgrounds, which I am co-organizer. Thank you Marian for the words that you wrote on her next karteluszce.
The anthology is a few of my poems written 20-30 years ago. Their publication persuaded me Adam Siedlecki, the good spirit of the Association. He was consistent and persistent in namowach. In this way, debuted as wierszopisarz, though this form of expression is far from me this time. Not less I am glad that I found myself in such a worthy group polickich piewców beauty in which we live. Jan Matura
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