One day I received an email from Maciek Jamnickiego of Trzebież asking if we are interested in ancient objects that are not needed him, and perhaps be useful in the Gallery of Historical Police. I wrote back that, of course, yes. After a few days at the reception awaited me MOK these "belongings." At the sight of one of them, I laughed with delight at the whole mouth .
My satisfaction has raised image of a Madonna figure with captions at the top "Sweet Heart of Mary," bottom "or mojem salvation." Just below "300 days of indulgence Pius IX, Sept. 30, 1852. "

This is a very valuable reminder maintained in good condition, which will enrich the department Gallery policzan spiritual life. " Although the picture does not come from the nineteenth century Police, but this is a valuable object of worship. Please note that the post-war immigrants brought here many valuable memorabilia in their opinion, including objects of worship, religious articles.
Buying indulgences was a tradition in the Church, one of the forms zaskarbienia the grace of the Creator. By purchasing an image, which today has exactly 161 years in complying with the yet additional conditions could be made 300 days indulgence. This image is one of the most original souvenir of the nineteenth century in the collection of GHP.

addition Jamnické Matt told us: electric adapter Narcissus G-260 - 1968, tape szpulowy "Tonette" - also the 60th year Twentieth century, the book-"Wreaths" - 1949 - Louis Swieżawski, a book-"Hero Cis" - Kazimierz Rosinkiewicz-twentieth century interwar years
With this in mind, I recall that everyone who wants to convey to the GHP old souvenirs, it could do. In a rematch replaced by appreciation and acknowledgment of the gift and the book is written to the donors. Therefore, we encourage and look forward to further objects from the old days!
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