current situation in Gaza is often compared to apartheid, or to form an equal hatred of Nazism. While the comparison to apartheid may be more appropriate and on topic, the comparison to Nazism is often used as an example of institutionalized violence and hatred. For Israel, this comparison is used to express the idea that people who were once victims of hatred because of religion or nationality, became the perpetrators of hatred towards others.
course there are differences in ideology, and practices of these regimes and they are worth discussing, but we leave this issue aside. In this article, rather I wanted to write about another issue, namely how developed and gained strength and aggressive forms of racist Zionism. As the perpetrators of violence passed since the Zionist role of victim to the role of executioners.
History of Zionism and the creation of Israel and its development is of course too complicated to fully describe it in a short text, but we can discuss certain events in history.
Zionism as an idea to create a country for Jews existed since ancient times, more than three thousand. years. But the Nineteenth century was a rather romantic idea. As structured, serious political movement, driven by the aim to create a state in Palestine, formed in times of birth of nationalism in Europe (in the second half of the nineteenth century). Its development was directly correlated with the increase in violent anti-Semitism in Europe.
Zionism has performed and has different variations ideological.
idea of \u200b\u200ba state by settle on someone else's site required a racist vision, which ultimately could justify the expulsion of the local community, even by force (though some Zionists Arabs want to live next door.) But this was not something characteristic only for the Zionists. In the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, it was a kind of norm in some European and American countries. Zionism, as a colonial ideology, differed from them that it was referring to the historical past and the relationship of Jews to their ancient homeland. (The Zionists were close to some African nationalists of the Americas, who strongly supported the basis of Zionism.)
escalation of violence against Jews has strengthened the Zionist ideology. A large number of Jews feel more and more unwanted and persecuted seeing more sense in moving to a place where you can play the role of men and where together they will feel empowered.
For many years it was difficult to sell to people Zionism. People who have lived for generations in the shtetls, in the big cities of Europe, they refused to leave his true home and go to some "historical homeland." Palestine was far from home, from friends, family, farms, factories and shops where they worked. She was far away and belonged to someone else, in addition, had the difficult terrain and climate.
In the first years of promoting Zionism in Europe, many Jews were strongly opposed to this idea. The first Zionist Congress in 1897 could not be held in Munich, because the local Jews were strong opponents of Zionism.
process of Jewish immigration to Palestine, included various "waves" of emigration. The first began after the pogroms of 1881, the pretext for the pogroms was the assassination of the Tsar to be made this year - although the bomber was a Pole from the Russian revolutionary organization, not a Jew. People saw the attack as "a work of Jews." In an atmosphere of anti-Jewish hysteria pogroms took place under various pretexts and in different localities (Also in Warsaw).
The next wave was larger and was due to the pogrom in Kishinev. The reason for the pogrom in Kishinev was something, which is a good example of idiotic anti-Semitic hysteria. The boy was murdered by one of his relatives. But anti-Semitic newspaper wrote that he had murdered a Jew, because he needed blood for the preparation of matzah. Ok. 50 people were killed and many others were injured and many houses were destroyed. I should mention that the massacre had also contributed priests who have led some groups angry mob.
Between 1903-1906, More than two thousand. Jews were killed in similar pogroms.
problem existed not only in Eastern Europe. Dreyfus affair in France and anti-Semitic speeches in that country also has a direct influence on the history of Zionism. Herzl, a journalist who wrote about the scandal, it was so shocked that in 1896 he founded the World Zionist Organization.
Many of the first immigrants to Palestine can thus be defined as refugees, but not all, because the first immigrants were divided into different categories. They were ideologues, die-hard Zionists, immigrants from Yemen, collectivism supporters who wanted to create a communist. Some of the immigrants firmly believed in the cause of Zionism, others do not - simply had to flee.
After the First World War in Europe and the Middle East has created a new political situation. Plans Zionists gathered steam.
Bolshevik Revolution, civil war in Russia and other events in today's Russia, Ukraine, and Polish was also accompanied by a new wave of pogroms. Many Jews fled, some from the pogroms, some from civil war. So the next wave of people came to Palestine.
poisonous nationalism and anti-Semitism in Europe is still antibolshevism progressed. Emerged the ideology of National Socialism. The most ideologically minded Zionists were even able to communicate with the Nazis because they had something in common. The idea of \u200b\u200b"nation state", inhabited by people of one nationality, is something common to all nationalists. And those who wanted to create the state of Israel, believed that "the encouragement of emigration" or even "resettlement" of Jews from Europe could be beneficial for them because it could help build a new state.
These Zionist leaders could not immediately attract followers only through Zionist ideology - but they reached the people through self-defense organizations. Many of the most fervent Zionists came from Polish. Reactions in the atmosphere acted on the ideology of the National Democratic Party. The most moderate form of nationalism endeckiego based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a country only for the Poles by forced assimilation of the Jews. But the more radical elements could be dangerous for Jews. Betar organization was led by ardent Zionists, who later played an important role in military operations in Israel (including the Begin and Shamir). This organization has gained popularity as an organization of self-defense against attacks by the ONR. The more ONR dramatically performed against the Jews, the more the growing importance of Betar. In Poland, this organization had 40 thousand. members.
Anti-Semitic and fascist views of the ONR were favorable to the Jewish nationalists, the extreme Zionists, who would otherwise be condemned to the margins.
Those who came to Palestine in the early years of the twentieth. century, entered into serious conflict with local people Arabic, which was then under British occupation. Despite the Faisal-Weizmann agreement of 1919 that seemed to promote peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs, Zionists seek to increase the settlement and establishment of the State resulted in a backlash against Jews living in Palestine.
panarabscy \u200b\u200bnationalists in Syria urged to strong anti-Zionist speeches to "liberate" Palestine. Weizmann tried to limit, therefore, the role of the Syrians in the administration. In Syria, held demonstrations demanding the restoration of Palestine (which reached beyond the borders of Palestine and Israel today) the Syrian and Arab powers. Small groups began to attack Jews fellahów in Galilee. Syria has announced the existence of the kingdom of Syria and Palestine. Similarly
minded Zionists from Eastern Europe, who later organized the militant Jewish organizations in Poland, organized self-defense organizations of the Jews in Palestine. In this way, Muslims, Jews (European and local), Christians, stuck between different nationalisms, the various forces that attempted to create a state, politicians, who sought to lead to the fact that some nations ruled over the others. If you previously were not nationalists, they become "self-defense" when everyone was caught in a vicious circle nationalist ideology, fear, hatred and violence.
The nationalist incidents in 1920, including attacks on Jews in Palestine, died not only Zionists. Even most of the victims in the famous attack in Jerusalem had no Zionist views. They were locals from the old Yishuv Jews who lived there since ancient times and were antysyjonistami. Yes, unfortunately, is when people attack someone because of his "nationality" or "religion" - even if they claim that the attack something else - in this case Zionism - it is often killed people who have nothing to do with the problem. Similarly, the present government Israel claims that Hamas attacked and killed civilians normal.
Such incidents led the self-defense organizations such as the Haganah, became more important in Palestine.
should also understand that the Zionists were also among the many socialists. Socialists saw Palestine as a place where you can build socialism, and many of them in turn, imagined a new society where everyone, regardless of nationality, will be together. Unfortunately, the growing influence reactionnism, caused fear and hate that this trend after the founding of the state of Israel was increasingly marginalized. (Although the research into new anti-Zionist organizations / socialist, even in the '60s, such as Matzpen. But such views could not have achieved such a level of social acceptance, as it once was.)
At the same time in Europe share a lasting and growing anti-Semitic anti-Semitic new policy. Jews who wanted to flee the encounter new barriers to emigration, as in America, which in the 20s limited the possibility of immigration. In the Nazi era has made the situation even worse for the Jews. Other European countries did not want to receive them, and British administrators of Palestine also have limited immigration. So I had to organize the guerrilla organizations share illegal immigration to Palestine.
Even after the war was not an easy situation for Jews in Europe. Many lived in refugee camps without the right to leave. After the pogrom in Kielce Jews succumbed to mass panic and the Zionists it was easy to convince people to emigrate. More than 20 thousand. Jews of Polish and a total of 100 thousand. Jews from Eastern Europe has decided to leave.
worth noting that the greater part of this migration during the war and immediately after the war was illegal and it looked like it looks today, immigration from Africa. People sailed on boats. In many cases, travelers have failed to sail to Palestine. Military forces tried to catch them. More than 50 thousand. Jews landed in such camps in Cyprus. On one of the refugee boats were captured by the British and sent back to Germany. Almost two thousand. people drowned. A few boats did not reach the place of the reasons for failure. There have been many wrecks. Sometimes the refugees were on the boats get caught and interned. Russian submarine fired a boat with refugees and 770 people were killed. This was the immigration "Zionists" in Israel in the days immediately before the establishment of the State of Israel.
After the war, the Arab-Israeli Jews in neighboring countries who were born there and lived from ancient times, were massively attacked. In Iraq, the confiscated property of Jews, Libyan Jews (who lived on these lands for over 2000 years old) were deprived of citizenship. Such sectarian attacks were not only immoral and useless, but totally did not help on those who did not wish the expansion of Israel. Through these attacks, almost a million Jews had to flee from Arab countries, and most of them just landed in Israel. Immigration Arab countries to Israel lasted for many years. So once again helped the Zionists hate. The offspring of these Jews today constitute 41% of the population of Israel.
But in a sense, these Jews - victims of hatred in the Arab countries - were also victims of the ideology of Zionism. Although from time to time, anti-Semitic attacks have occurred in the days and since the Zionists began to announce his plans on behalf of all Jews, when Jews began arriving en masse - their severity was.
In 1947, when he disclosed a plan division of Palestine into two states, moderate Arabs did not believe the Jews, because they thought "Revisionists are more sincere in their intentions." It turned out that revisionist-Zionist rhetoric, the most racist, nationalist and even fascist, was treated as a de facto ambitions of all the Jews in Palestine. On the other hand, many Islamists thought that these lands should remain under the rule of the Islamists, and so thought the Jews should have their own state, and many even thought that the Jews had any right to live there. There was a war. After the war, the Israeli government did not want to hear about the other country. A part of the former Palestine landed in Syria, Jordan and Egypt.
Here we see how the interests of groups fighting for power, nationalist and religious ideologies, much worse. After this, as I have been to war, each party could wind up "their people". Many people who otherwise would not weszliby the real conflicts between each other, become party to the conflict. We all feel threatened. After the war, one could assume that many refugees will not want to fight with the Arabs. However, arguments have convinced many fighting Zionists. Such arguments as "never again will we attack," or "We have a right to their homeland," to take effect. For some, this was the first moment when you feel strong.
organizations, such as Betar, once forming a self-defense organizations in Poland, became the organizations that wykreowały bloodiest Israeli politicians. Persons who used to recruit people among the victims of violence and hatred continue to benefit from the role of the victim ... so in all situations, always treated the Jews as victims. Their argument was: "in 1947 proposed the division, but the Arabs refused to accept, and they attacked us .. . .... We are the victims do not give us, the refugees calmly live here ".... This logic. And the more escalated conflicts, resistance, self-defense on both sides, the more primitive screw-nationalist emotions.
nationalist emotions and try to take over more and more territory to rise on both sides of the conflict. Each piece of land considered to be "his". Sometimes, too, benefited from nationalist parties and nationalist shares for other purposes. In Syria, guerrilla raids on Israel were very important for Bathystów since allowed them to channel the frustration and opposition to the party in another direction. People feel happy that they had the enemy - the Jew's enemy, which You can fight, and politicians felt relieved that they were not the main enemy. A lot Bathystów and their raids were sponsored by the Soviet Union, for which the struggle against imperialism was a great excuse to work together. But the Soviets also had their own economic and geopolitical interests in the region.
nationalist emotions serve as ago to hide the economic interests of elites in the Middle East in its simplest form. People occupied lands, but asserted that they did it because that would be "safer" because "we can not live together," because "it is a threat," as if no one gained at this materially.
Today you can see how the Israeli government murdering innocent children and acts as a bloody aggressor. Many historical facts contributed to this conflict, but nothing can justify such acts.
Palestinian resistance organization works with one hand, an organization of self-defense, in the interest of the people against the attacks, but on the other hand, it sometimes wreaks propaganda of the extreme nationalist and anti-Jewish, to motivate people to acts of violence, whether or not acts of suicide. All of this is to be in the interests of "nation", "liberation" or Allah. People full of anger for the violence and injustice faced by, also susceptible to extreme forms of nationalism. So in the documents of Hamas are not just words of resistance, but an open hatred of Jews. In the Islamic world is growing popularity of the book "Mein Kampf" and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A spiral of hatred grows and grows in strength islamofascism.
Situation in the Middle East is not easy, especially if people continue to insist on a solution based on the division of territory by governments, nations and religions. There are many people who say that once this place was just to them.
But people are people. We are all together in this world that we live together, work together, share everything. We do not need to have the state flag. Common language, shared "nationality" does not mean the common interests: the Arab elite, exploiting their "Arab brothers" and the Israeli elite is doing the same thing to the poor Jews. Interests of the elites is precisely that people are divided to the poor fighting the poor from neighboring countries ... if only not to fight with the local elite.
course there are differences in ideology, and practices of these regimes and they are worth discussing, but we leave this issue aside. In this article, rather I wanted to write about another issue, namely how developed and gained strength and aggressive forms of racist Zionism. As the perpetrators of violence passed since the Zionist role of victim to the role of executioners.
History of Zionism and the creation of Israel and its development is of course too complicated to fully describe it in a short text, but we can discuss certain events in history.
Zionism as an idea to create a country for Jews existed since ancient times, more than three thousand. years. But the Nineteenth century was a rather romantic idea. As structured, serious political movement, driven by the aim to create a state in Palestine, formed in times of birth of nationalism in Europe (in the second half of the nineteenth century). Its development was directly correlated with the increase in violent anti-Semitism in Europe.
Zionism has performed and has different variations ideological.
idea of \u200b\u200ba state by settle on someone else's site required a racist vision, which ultimately could justify the expulsion of the local community, even by force (though some Zionists Arabs want to live next door.) But this was not something characteristic only for the Zionists. In the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, it was a kind of norm in some European and American countries. Zionism, as a colonial ideology, differed from them that it was referring to the historical past and the relationship of Jews to their ancient homeland. (The Zionists were close to some African nationalists of the Americas, who strongly supported the basis of Zionism.)
escalation of violence against Jews has strengthened the Zionist ideology. A large number of Jews feel more and more unwanted and persecuted seeing more sense in moving to a place where you can play the role of men and where together they will feel empowered.
For many years it was difficult to sell to people Zionism. People who have lived for generations in the shtetls, in the big cities of Europe, they refused to leave his true home and go to some "historical homeland." Palestine was far from home, from friends, family, farms, factories and shops where they worked. She was far away and belonged to someone else, in addition, had the difficult terrain and climate.
In the first years of promoting Zionism in Europe, many Jews were strongly opposed to this idea. The first Zionist Congress in 1897 could not be held in Munich, because the local Jews were strong opponents of Zionism.
process of Jewish immigration to Palestine, included various "waves" of emigration. The first began after the pogroms of 1881, the pretext for the pogroms was the assassination of the Tsar to be made this year - although the bomber was a Pole from the Russian revolutionary organization, not a Jew. People saw the attack as "a work of Jews." In an atmosphere of anti-Jewish hysteria pogroms took place under various pretexts and in different localities (Also in Warsaw).
The next wave was larger and was due to the pogrom in Kishinev. The reason for the pogrom in Kishinev was something, which is a good example of idiotic anti-Semitic hysteria. The boy was murdered by one of his relatives. But anti-Semitic newspaper wrote that he had murdered a Jew, because he needed blood for the preparation of matzah. Ok. 50 people were killed and many others were injured and many houses were destroyed. I should mention that the massacre had also contributed priests who have led some groups angry mob.
Between 1903-1906, More than two thousand. Jews were killed in similar pogroms.
problem existed not only in Eastern Europe. Dreyfus affair in France and anti-Semitic speeches in that country also has a direct influence on the history of Zionism. Herzl, a journalist who wrote about the scandal, it was so shocked that in 1896 he founded the World Zionist Organization.
Many of the first immigrants to Palestine can thus be defined as refugees, but not all, because the first immigrants were divided into different categories. They were ideologues, die-hard Zionists, immigrants from Yemen, collectivism supporters who wanted to create a communist. Some of the immigrants firmly believed in the cause of Zionism, others do not - simply had to flee.
After the First World War in Europe and the Middle East has created a new political situation. Plans Zionists gathered steam.
Bolshevik Revolution, civil war in Russia and other events in today's Russia, Ukraine, and Polish was also accompanied by a new wave of pogroms. Many Jews fled, some from the pogroms, some from civil war. So the next wave of people came to Palestine.
poisonous nationalism and anti-Semitism in Europe is still antibolshevism progressed. Emerged the ideology of National Socialism. The most ideologically minded Zionists were even able to communicate with the Nazis because they had something in common. The idea of \u200b\u200b"nation state", inhabited by people of one nationality, is something common to all nationalists. And those who wanted to create the state of Israel, believed that "the encouragement of emigration" or even "resettlement" of Jews from Europe could be beneficial for them because it could help build a new state.
These Zionist leaders could not immediately attract followers only through Zionist ideology - but they reached the people through self-defense organizations. Many of the most fervent Zionists came from Polish. Reactions in the atmosphere acted on the ideology of the National Democratic Party. The most moderate form of nationalism endeckiego based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a country only for the Poles by forced assimilation of the Jews. But the more radical elements could be dangerous for Jews. Betar organization was led by ardent Zionists, who later played an important role in military operations in Israel (including the Begin and Shamir). This organization has gained popularity as an organization of self-defense against attacks by the ONR. The more ONR dramatically performed against the Jews, the more the growing importance of Betar. In Poland, this organization had 40 thousand. members.
Anti-Semitic and fascist views of the ONR were favorable to the Jewish nationalists, the extreme Zionists, who would otherwise be condemned to the margins.
Those who came to Palestine in the early years of the twentieth. century, entered into serious conflict with local people Arabic, which was then under British occupation. Despite the Faisal-Weizmann agreement of 1919 that seemed to promote peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs, Zionists seek to increase the settlement and establishment of the State resulted in a backlash against Jews living in Palestine.
panarabscy \u200b\u200bnationalists in Syria urged to strong anti-Zionist speeches to "liberate" Palestine. Weizmann tried to limit, therefore, the role of the Syrians in the administration. In Syria, held demonstrations demanding the restoration of Palestine (which reached beyond the borders of Palestine and Israel today) the Syrian and Arab powers. Small groups began to attack Jews fellahów in Galilee. Syria has announced the existence of the kingdom of Syria and Palestine. Similarly
minded Zionists from Eastern Europe, who later organized the militant Jewish organizations in Poland, organized self-defense organizations of the Jews in Palestine. In this way, Muslims, Jews (European and local), Christians, stuck between different nationalisms, the various forces that attempted to create a state, politicians, who sought to lead to the fact that some nations ruled over the others. If you previously were not nationalists, they become "self-defense" when everyone was caught in a vicious circle nationalist ideology, fear, hatred and violence.
The nationalist incidents in 1920, including attacks on Jews in Palestine, died not only Zionists. Even most of the victims in the famous attack in Jerusalem had no Zionist views. They were locals from the old Yishuv Jews who lived there since ancient times and were antysyjonistami. Yes, unfortunately, is when people attack someone because of his "nationality" or "religion" - even if they claim that the attack something else - in this case Zionism - it is often killed people who have nothing to do with the problem. Similarly, the present government Israel claims that Hamas attacked and killed civilians normal.
Such incidents led the self-defense organizations such as the Haganah, became more important in Palestine.
should also understand that the Zionists were also among the many socialists. Socialists saw Palestine as a place where you can build socialism, and many of them in turn, imagined a new society where everyone, regardless of nationality, will be together. Unfortunately, the growing influence reactionnism, caused fear and hate that this trend after the founding of the state of Israel was increasingly marginalized. (Although the research into new anti-Zionist organizations / socialist, even in the '60s, such as Matzpen. But such views could not have achieved such a level of social acceptance, as it once was.)
At the same time in Europe share a lasting and growing anti-Semitic anti-Semitic new policy. Jews who wanted to flee the encounter new barriers to emigration, as in America, which in the 20s limited the possibility of immigration. In the Nazi era has made the situation even worse for the Jews. Other European countries did not want to receive them, and British administrators of Palestine also have limited immigration. So I had to organize the guerrilla organizations share illegal immigration to Palestine.
Even after the war was not an easy situation for Jews in Europe. Many lived in refugee camps without the right to leave. After the pogrom in Kielce Jews succumbed to mass panic and the Zionists it was easy to convince people to emigrate. More than 20 thousand. Jews of Polish and a total of 100 thousand. Jews from Eastern Europe has decided to leave.
worth noting that the greater part of this migration during the war and immediately after the war was illegal and it looked like it looks today, immigration from Africa. People sailed on boats. In many cases, travelers have failed to sail to Palestine. Military forces tried to catch them. More than 50 thousand. Jews landed in such camps in Cyprus. On one of the refugee boats were captured by the British and sent back to Germany. Almost two thousand. people drowned. A few boats did not reach the place of the reasons for failure. There have been many wrecks. Sometimes the refugees were on the boats get caught and interned. Russian submarine fired a boat with refugees and 770 people were killed. This was the immigration "Zionists" in Israel in the days immediately before the establishment of the State of Israel.
After the war, the Arab-Israeli Jews in neighboring countries who were born there and lived from ancient times, were massively attacked. In Iraq, the confiscated property of Jews, Libyan Jews (who lived on these lands for over 2000 years old) were deprived of citizenship. Such sectarian attacks were not only immoral and useless, but totally did not help on those who did not wish the expansion of Israel. Through these attacks, almost a million Jews had to flee from Arab countries, and most of them just landed in Israel. Immigration Arab countries to Israel lasted for many years. So once again helped the Zionists hate. The offspring of these Jews today constitute 41% of the population of Israel.
But in a sense, these Jews - victims of hatred in the Arab countries - were also victims of the ideology of Zionism. Although from time to time, anti-Semitic attacks have occurred in the days and since the Zionists began to announce his plans on behalf of all Jews, when Jews began arriving en masse - their severity was.
In 1947, when he disclosed a plan division of Palestine into two states, moderate Arabs did not believe the Jews, because they thought "Revisionists are more sincere in their intentions." It turned out that revisionist-Zionist rhetoric, the most racist, nationalist and even fascist, was treated as a de facto ambitions of all the Jews in Palestine. On the other hand, many Islamists thought that these lands should remain under the rule of the Islamists, and so thought the Jews should have their own state, and many even thought that the Jews had any right to live there. There was a war. After the war, the Israeli government did not want to hear about the other country. A part of the former Palestine landed in Syria, Jordan and Egypt.
Here we see how the interests of groups fighting for power, nationalist and religious ideologies, much worse. After this, as I have been to war, each party could wind up "their people". Many people who otherwise would not weszliby the real conflicts between each other, become party to the conflict. We all feel threatened. After the war, one could assume that many refugees will not want to fight with the Arabs. However, arguments have convinced many fighting Zionists. Such arguments as "never again will we attack," or "We have a right to their homeland," to take effect. For some, this was the first moment when you feel strong.
organizations, such as Betar, once forming a self-defense organizations in Poland, became the organizations that wykreowały bloodiest Israeli politicians. Persons who used to recruit people among the victims of violence and hatred continue to benefit from the role of the victim ... so in all situations, always treated the Jews as victims. Their argument was: "in 1947 proposed the division, but the Arabs refused to accept, and they attacked us .. . .... We are the victims do not give us, the refugees calmly live here ".... This logic. And the more escalated conflicts, resistance, self-defense on both sides, the more primitive screw-nationalist emotions.
nationalist emotions and try to take over more and more territory to rise on both sides of the conflict. Each piece of land considered to be "his". Sometimes, too, benefited from nationalist parties and nationalist shares for other purposes. In Syria, guerrilla raids on Israel were very important for Bathystów since allowed them to channel the frustration and opposition to the party in another direction. People feel happy that they had the enemy - the Jew's enemy, which You can fight, and politicians felt relieved that they were not the main enemy. A lot Bathystów and their raids were sponsored by the Soviet Union, for which the struggle against imperialism was a great excuse to work together. But the Soviets also had their own economic and geopolitical interests in the region.
nationalist emotions serve as ago to hide the economic interests of elites in the Middle East in its simplest form. People occupied lands, but asserted that they did it because that would be "safer" because "we can not live together," because "it is a threat," as if no one gained at this materially.
Today you can see how the Israeli government murdering innocent children and acts as a bloody aggressor. Many historical facts contributed to this conflict, but nothing can justify such acts.
Palestinian resistance organization works with one hand, an organization of self-defense, in the interest of the people against the attacks, but on the other hand, it sometimes wreaks propaganda of the extreme nationalist and anti-Jewish, to motivate people to acts of violence, whether or not acts of suicide. All of this is to be in the interests of "nation", "liberation" or Allah. People full of anger for the violence and injustice faced by, also susceptible to extreme forms of nationalism. So in the documents of Hamas are not just words of resistance, but an open hatred of Jews. In the Islamic world is growing popularity of the book "Mein Kampf" and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." A spiral of hatred grows and grows in strength islamofascism.
Situation in the Middle East is not easy, especially if people continue to insist on a solution based on the division of territory by governments, nations and religions. There are many people who say that once this place was just to them.
But people are people. We are all together in this world that we live together, work together, share everything. We do not need to have the state flag. Common language, shared "nationality" does not mean the common interests: the Arab elite, exploiting their "Arab brothers" and the Israeli elite is doing the same thing to the poor Jews. Interests of the elites is precisely that people are divided to the poor fighting the poor from neighboring countries ... if only not to fight with the local elite.
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