few words about the well-fed and free capitalism
In the western, mostly American, anarchism is a right wing, known as "libertarian capitalism". The ideas of this school have as a response to monopoly capitalism, the essence of this philosophy is the notion that a truly market economy is healthy phenomenon, and that people work best when taking care of their own economic interests. The system of private enterprise, in terms of "libertarian capitalists, is the best option. The same ideas can now be heard in the former Soviet Union (Article written in 1992 - Ed.), Where there was a particularly harsh form of monopoly capitalism - state capitalism, and the command economy created a system of production, resulted in the dire consumer crisis.
Discussions supporters of the above philosophy, often make a reservation, that their vision of capitalism necessarily involves the provision of free capital to all those in this zamnteresovan. Here also lies the main contradiction of this philosophy.
In the case if capital was available to all who need it, could not exist a system of competition. However, the global market is increasingly controlled not by individual lmchnostyami engaged in business, and multinationals and other large monopolies, just and based on the fact that they have access to a disproportionately large capital. This allows them to develop the technology and exploit the uneven development of world market to produce cheaper and therefore a great success products.
multinational corporations and their auxiliary structures could to dominate the U.S. consumer market, mainly due to lower prices competitive. This, however, they have achieved primarily by exploiting the difference in exchange rates and levels of life. Today, as many products are manufactured outside the United States in order to profit increased simply by virtue of cheap labor in other countries. As a result, in America some of the productions were simply destroyed, led to a rise in unemployment, the general deterioration of ordinary Americans, the emergence of cities that no longer provide employment for its people, and stand as monuments to the era of decline. And when closing large production, such as automobile manufacturers company Chrysler, the bills must be paid ordinary taxpayers, ie workers.
At the time, as multinational and other large companies are trying to seize control of most part of the world's wealth, Eastern Europe represents for them an excellent opportunity ... For example, McDonald's, whose popularity in America is based on the fact that his food is cheaper than its competitors, can feel wonderful in Moscow despite the high costs, because it has no competitors. "How can you explain the man that McDonald's is bad, if it's so beautiful, wonderful service and the food so tasty? "- ask me here. The same problem exists in America, where quite a large number of people involved in an international boycott of McDonald's. Usually people do not care that McDonalds employees in America, one of the most brutally exploited, that the vast amount of paper required to eateries, leads to the felling of tropical rain forests in Brazil, thereby presenting a serious environmental threat to the planet. Overexploitation of forest forcing residents to flee their homes, thus creating a vicious circle of poverty and crime constituting a destructive force in this country.
That attitude like "what do I cares? "helps continue operation of the third world and to prolong the life of capitalism. Therefore, the international campaign of boycott McDonald's mainly focused on issues relating to each person, for example, that the food McDonald's contribute to the emergence of cancer and other diseases. Once this has been proven, many buyers have to bypass the "Mac" side. Realizing that so you can lose all the profits, McDonald's was forced to enter in the menu "healthy" meals. This means that the boycott should be based on the already global issues.
Someone may say that the global problems do not matter when you're hungry. National problems, like too lose their importance. This is especially evident in a country where many people trying to make money in speculation, which negatively affects the others, receiving only a few hundred per month. Even coming from the West "humanitarian aid" for sale in the commercial stalls for profit. Forget about humanism, a world ruled by money!
American leftists have today, many years of experience, came to the conclusion that in such a system is constructed much "wrong". Results of a large capital is felt worldwide. Under this system, any improvement to one side turns loss to another. The notion that all people are to some degree of benefit from this system, it is a myth. Due to the fact that a large percentage of Americans living well, many do not give trouble to reflect on the fact that the economy deprives a fairly large proportion of the population of this opportunity. (In New York, for example, about one hundred and fifty thousand homeless people from the same who have housing, one third receives financial assistance, that is living in poverty and, if not for these payments would have lived from hand to mouth. This winter again dozens of people die from the cold, scores of others, if not from hunger, from disease, malnutrition).
recently in America broke out depression, had a heavy impact on workers, which means that poverty, which American ideology is based on the Protestant ethic has traditionally been considered a consequence of laziness, was one of the most important problems. Today More and more people came to the conclusion that poverty - is a consequence of the current U.S. economic structure.
From the standpoint of the radical left and anarchists (In this case excluding libertarians), this system can not be reformed. In addition to the economic problems of capitalism and engendered of events (Poverty, leading to increased crime, anomie, sharp, physically tangible despair), a negative reaction to her wish, even those who have work and sufficiently stable financial position. Physical separation from life, the essence of which is the work of the entrepreneur, very upset many people. The atmosphere of suffocation leads to the fact that workers are experiencing great psychological problems. (If the Americans could live with the Soviet attitude to work, they would do so). As a result, thousands of people are trying to find spiritual meaning in life even at the cost of material comfort. Other seems to be trying to compensate for a sense of his unhappiness at the expense of increasing consumption.
The only truly healthy alternative devastating economic order can be found in the politics of global awareness - awareness of the implications of each of its steps. It is this worldview allows us to treat all people in their relationships with each other. And precisely because of this we care about the problems of people living near us and hundreds of miles from us.
Our search for a world in which human potential can be realized by each, are ultimately looking for a world where man's fate depends more on his actions, not on such arbitrary factors as place of birth, parents' financial status, sex, color, etc. This world is wrong called utopia can exist only where people are as equal to each other individuals who control the basic economic structure, where there is confidence that all man-tailored to his needs.
Imprint: «Emancipation of personality», № 2, 1992
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