1 May in the cold as the dickens morning I went to the feast of the border Rieth Rieth and New Warpna. The reason for the visit was an invitation to participate in the discussion of Polish-German tourist attractions on the Lagoon.
was attended by Nicole Spittel-Greifswald, President of the Association of German-Polish-Klaus Wils, the mayor of New Warpna Kiraga Wladyslaw Michal Olszewski, and myself. With Michael we agreed that we say it about biking, and I am about the history and the past and related attractions in the district and commune Police.

said in his performance something like this: "Tourism is closely linked with history. We travel to enjoy the scenic beauty, natural values \u200b\u200bof the region. But I also wonder what the past was visited by our surroundings. The visitor has also encountered on the route monument.
would like to draw attention to the most interesting places in the municipality of Police. It is primarily synthetic fuel plant, which during the Second World War produced liquid fuel from coal-gas. The period of the war is still little known to people. A former company is the most interesting, though tragic in its historical pronunciation of the object. Another place worth visiting poaugustiańskiego are the ruins of a monastery in Jasienica. This place is often visited. You should also wander through the villages of the municipality of Police, to see the religious buildings-churches in rural Trzebież, Niekłończycy, Tatynii, Pilch, Przęsocinie.

I welcome the growing interest in the history of our region. Disseminates it to include Historic Gallery and the Association of Police "treasure" in his office at the factory site. It is also important that there is a growing literature on the topic. Also, using the internet to explore the municipality, district of Police. Pages can easily to find and use them. On behalf of the honest people sitting here I invite you to visit the Police and the Police community. "

voice took the other speakers. There were questions of persons present. Among them were Mayor Vladislav Diakun Police, City Council President Witold King, a well-deserved for the good neighborly Polish-German relations were mayor Siegfried Uecker-Randow Wack, director of the MOK-Anna Ryl, forester Antoni Michnowicz, representatives of local authorities with Hintersee, Luckow, Rieth. The meeting was interesting and fruitful.

Even after his Rieth end streets went to the castle (now a private estate, which has no access). Leads to the beautiful avenue of lime. The gem of the village is the church of the eighteenth century, which celebrated the devotion known and respected in the Police, the recently deceased pastor Wulf Gaster.
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