I will not dwell on it, in as logical and orderly, but not dry as Jacques Pradel described the actions the team Castellana, and how thoroughly the authors explain every decision and every application, allowing the reader to look to these events through the eyes of researchers (for example - how cleverly got the podkoloryzowaną relationship Heichelego and Manz, published in the German "Der Landser" in 1972 as a breakthrough to clarify the mystery of his death.) I will not dwell on this, because although it's undeniable strengths of this book for me is always a bigger role - what I was unprofessional - they feelings, impressions and reflections, which brings the reading. The fact so few words.
Some chapters is devoted to the life of Saint-Exupéry, especially the tip, which provided me with another brick to the image of this writer, which shape the consciousness of each other in some time. After the sweet and dripping with mutual adoration Letters to his mother vision of Saint-Exa Last secrecy is sobering - the man moody and explosive of the soul - and yet! - A spoiled boy. When replaced by non-flying because of too advanced age, unpleasant to somebody random, like a child stamping his foot until his dopnie. He stubbornly refuses to exchange messages with the control tower in English, and forgets to turn the system identification every move by putting all on alert. Moreover - unfaithful husband and the tyrant, who wakes his wife in the middle of the night, it would do him a scrambled egg. This tumultuous love, Antoine-Consuelo, The Little Prince and his Rose, the eternal clash between them, even thought about divorce, but when you are away from each other, trying to make the sensitive letters and telegrams. We are happy to dowiedziałabym more about the relationship he once had to be flawless.
Saint-Exupéry is obviously Last mystery central figure, however, solve puzzles thread woven into his death are the names and two other pilots who went missing during the war - James Riley and Prince Alexis von Bentheim. If it were not frantic searching through the bottom of the bay in search of the aircraft the French writer, a "national hero", never probably would not have happened and to explain, as though "by chance", as those two were killed, an American and Germany, because who zawracałby his head serial soldiers? And how many still rests on the bottom, waiting in vain for telling the truth - after all, Vanrell he argued that after World War II submarine depths rustic areas were literally strewn with wrecks. Reading about the reactions of relatives of the airmen - Riley and Bentheim, I had no doubt - contrary to some complaining that it would be rather "to give the writer to rest in peace" (which is, inter alia, the opinion of the family of Saint-Exupéry, which makes me a bit surprised - why the obstinacy worthy of a better cause, tried to block the search, whether or not they wanted to knowing the truth about the death of his uncle?), this action was unnecessary. Even though it ended in a fiasco, dedicated effort and time is not wasted, because this is a war widow, an old man now, at last gained peace of mind, knowing that her husband had an easy death, a German aristocrat entering for years about what happened to his beloved younger brother, also received response.
manner in which was written last mystery me a little amused, a little irritated, a little rozczulał. Pradelowi because it happens to use mental shortcuts, reduced to fragments of stories or quotes from the laconic message of unexplained origin, leaving the reader in the back, with his relationship to rush at breakneck speed - but then I always feel that it is just so frantic that of which he writes that the world forgets. Not only him, moreover, shows the enthusiasm - and the people whose work describes the joy of devoted all his time and energy to solve the mystery of Saint-Exupéry, but still saw them thrown at his feet, and the expected recognition for his achievement is not lived. Oddly enough, this company stands out from Luc Vanrell only who says nonchalantly: Please
I understand: there have been passionate about special examination of wreckage.
riddle, which for sixty years zaprzątała thoughts of many, so you can be considered as unraveling. Notwithstanding this, however, what would be the result of these investigations, I will insist that the death was a suicide element. He felt that he would soon say goodbye to the world, which, moreover, especially in recent years, it was disappointing and was a burden to him. And maybe it sounds ridiculous, but somehow perished when Saint-Exupéry, I think that would be in the hand of destiny. I wish I wrote more. And that is not done Fortress. But apparently it was supposed to be.
After the war, when everything is over, there will be nothing but emptiness. Humanity descends from the centuries after a huge ladder, whose summit is lost in the clouds, and down into the abyss of darkness. Able to ascend the stairs, but chose descent. Spiritual collapse is frightening. Whether you will be killed during the war. If I live, in what occupation I could find shelter? There is a good deal on a pile of ashes.
thank you for the book publishing Mark .
Quotes: J. Pradel, L. Vanrell, Saint-Exupéry, the last secret , ed. Mark literanova, Kraków 2011.
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