Sunday, May 9, 2010

Toilet Paper Gauge Penis

Анархия и феминизм АНТИ-МИЛЛЕНИУМ

Structure power and privilege in society takes many forms. Just as economic power can not be separated from politics, so can not be separated and the hierarchy in public relations from the economic and political hierarchy, since they are closely interrelated.

philosophy of anarchism is the philosophy Equality, which seeks the destruction of all social, political and economic institutions, creating conditions for the hierarchy and thereby depriving part of a society of opportunities for full self-realization. Therefore anarchism opposes all irrational belief systems, which through the mechanisms social, political and economic power in society creates inequality. Here we have in mind primarily the various forms of discrimination: racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia, ageism (age chauvinism) and other forms of intolerance.
While in Russia's "radical" press a lot of attention given the economic hierarchy, women are usually relegated to the sidelines because they are seen as less important. But for women, these issues should have the same value as any other, because the quality of life does not depend only on the economy. Women living in rich countries, can prove it. They can also confirm that the progress in political and economic fields is essentially meaningless if there is no change in the overall situation of women. Traditionally
policy in Russia of the men. Therefore, some questions, no doubt, is simply ignored. The vast majority of men who themselves are on lower levels of political and economic ladder, are not aware of their position in relations of power, when it tapes everyday life. Moreover, women's movement is often mocked by men who are afraid or unwilling to change the social relations that put them in a privileged position.
experience of women's rights movement in the West shows that when men feel that women represent a real threat to them, they attempt to suppress these movements. For example, in 1970-80. American women have achieved considerable success. But in 1980 exacerbated the economic problems. Women continued struggle for equality in pay and access to high-paying jobs as men. Traditionally, women are worse than men positions and lower wages, although in most cases, this has nothing to do with their abilities and qualifications. Of course, men would have guarantees that they will get a better job, so all the achievements of women in this area is perceived with hostility, because men are still feel that they should get more and support his family. The same discrimination were blacks, Hispanics and immigrants. All of these social group suffered from the policies that determine white rich men. Of course, we want to destroy any system that generates competition and hostility between people, but it can be done only by destroying the system of hostility and discrimination that deprives people of control over their lives. Therefore, these of the oppressed must fight to overcome the challenges they face daily.
Women, of course, is different in different countries, but here are some of the generic problems:

1. Family

This is the basic structural unit of society. Its importance to anarchism can not be overestimated, because it is in the family (and later in school) future generations learn liberty or passivity faced with its subcontractors and the equal distribution of labor or with the hierarchy and humiliation. It is here that children learn the false role of "male" and "women".
As long as child care and responsibility for household farm lies on the woman's family is for her not a partnership, and a trap. If a woman is such a burden of responsibility, it can not fully participate economic and political life. That is why the fascist, totalitarian and conservative society and the church, defended the idea that a woman should stay home and raise children. Capitalist society is much more profitable not to hire women, who may require care benefits for the child, and instead force them to have more children, who will labor in the next generation. The more children are born, the greater will be competition for jobs, and will be correspondingly lower WACH
In many countries, especially in Third World countries, access to safe, reliable means of birth control is an important issue for women. Russia is also among these countries. Existing methods of contraception here unsafe, ineffective and often unavailable. It is therefore not surprising that in this country is a huge number of abortions. Abortion in itself reflect poor medical care, moreover, they pose a serious threat to women's health. But even if there were more effective contraception, it would not solve all the problems of the family.
Women are often themselves involved in his oppression, absorbing the culture of a society in which live. They have not much wider choice, because the hope that they can get their own apartment and live independently is very low. Same as however, applies to men. People fall into the trap of the family. It is no coincidence that the family plays a much bigger role in the lives of poor women in poor countries. She is one way of avoiding poverty and economic and political powerlessness. But this is only an illusion, in fact, problems are only exacerbated.

2. Concept

concept of sex are reperessivnymi tradition, church, capitalism, etc. The notion that a woman has always played only one role in society - the myth that is used for ideological purposes, which has been refuted by numerous anthropological studies. (This You certainly do not hear from your teachers, priests, etc.)
In Russia there is a strong unwritten laws relating to what a woman should and what she should not do. This is directly reflected in what women do, because if you are constantly faced with certain ideas and see that others act in a certain way, then you believe that the way it should be.
These ideas are often expressed in the form of prejudice against women. They also find their visual reflection. Look at magazines and advertising, and you will see what should be a woman - thin, beautiful, stupid doll. Thing that You can admire and that is a source of pleasure. Why beautiful people have to get more respect, admiration and material benefits than others? Why in this case, they receive them? What is the price of beauty for women? Take care of nonsense to spend money on something to look important and beautiful, to learn adapt to others' standards and expectations, otherwise the risk of not getting the love or become a victim of discrimination in hiring. (Long shown that employers in hiring, choosing a woman by how she looks.)
Concept is very large and important category. This is that feeds the various forms of oppression and phenomena like racism.

3. Economy

Mothers should have an opportunity to support a family. Women should seek greater access to high-paying jobs, they should enjoy the same rights as men, as a rule, not the exception. Sexist would argue that nothing prevents women from these positions, but they are blind and lie to themselves.

4. Politics

Ideally, the political life must be changed, as well as economic life. We must destroy the government and wage slavery. So when we say that women should have access to high-paying jobs and that they must belong to a certain part of political power, we do not mean that if we able to achieve this, then we can rest in peace. But while the men and women are at different levels of government, so any transition to anarchy talk impossible. The hierarchy still persists, it will arise from the new power structures, and women again have to join the fight. Social ills do not disappear redistribution of economic and political power. Redistribution of power only leads to the formation of new elites. It was one of the errors of Marx and confirm that we have repeatedly met in history. While it is too late, we must put an end to discrimination. Women should enjoy the same opportunities, as men, let alone how they manage, they decide for yourself. If some women as a result become politicians and the capitalist pigs, it does not necessarily well, because then women will be at the top of oppressing women who are at the bottom. It's a proven fact. But then the men and women who are already on equal footing, can fight with the ruling classes. The revolution must be made equally by both sexes, and its purpose should be to ensure the interests of both men and women, and hence they must play an equal role.

4. Isolation and women's involvement in community activities

If a woman's place at home, she could not provide sufficient strong influence on society. The more time women spend at home, the less time they have out to meet people, to observe, to establish contacts. It is not surprising that politicians want us to stay at home. Women should realize that their voice is just as significant in the society, to stop thinking about the nonsense and start organized. And not just women.

5. The need for a group of "Free Women" and some of the alleged activities

need to create a group of "Free Women" because men in the anarchist movement failed to include fundamental questions concerning women's issues into their fundamental program. (They forget not only about women, but that's another issue.)
"free women" should focus on universal issues, but not only. The Group shall be open to both women and men to share rationally discuss various issues. Those who want to advance to limit the target group, it is better to stay home.
I propose to create a group became part of an international network of "Loose Women" (Mujeres Libres). We must identify our specific interests, to analyze the situation of women in Russia, to share our thoughts with the sale in other countries.
group can meet once a month or less often (more often), as participants decide. Activities of the group must meet the interests of the parties, but I can offer following areas:
1) The group may conduct discussions, both among members of the group to determine positions, and public debate to influence on the public consciousness.
2) Write articles. Maybe publish a journal twice a year.
3) The need to organize demonstrations.
4) To organize courses samoobrony and learn the tactics of street fighting.
5) Share information on women's health, alternative medicine etc. Share experiences with each other and with society.
6) Organize other activities more broadly.


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