Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Happens If You Lost Your Sims

Prawdziwe oblicza kapitalizmu

This article is inspired by the comments that appeared in the text, "Capitalism has destroyed the individual farmers' mine. As a fairly common is the same argument as in the above comments, we develop this theme.
first commentator believes that capitalism is not a bad thing, because "Capitalism is a system that enforces economic performance and reward it." Further states that people do not exist in their own economic interests that do not form co-operatives such as lack of entrepreneurship and this is their fault, their lack of entrepreneurial and creativity. " The fate of the less creative, the author says, "If agriculture is not profitable may change professions. This 'bad' capitalism lies in the fact that those who survive know how to adapt to the market. And this nierobom do not like. "
commentator considers that the article about the situation of farmers was ridiculous, but I can not believe such a ridiculous comment, when it reflects the ideology that is not able to relate to people in a different way than the committee who wants to justify all its injustices, dividing people into false categories such as "lazy" and "hardworking", "wise" and "stupid."
first Yes, capitalism forces the "efficiency" but the fact is that it rewards. The fact is that it is always the "most productive" workers, those who cost the least, if they have a knife at her throat. Workers in factories are not remunerated, as they should, but forces them to ever greater efficiency. Compensation for those who work efficiently? May lose their job if there is something more "efficient", or they can earn 0.01% of the value of the product, they produce.
This "performance" is not an advantage for the employee - only for the capitalist. There is so that if you sew 100 t-shirts in 5 hours instead of 10, you can go home and have 5 extra hours of free (although there are places of work, but rather rare and this is highly-qualified specialists, or free professions). Efficiency is the password that the machine does to people - except of course those who have a good job in rich countries.
second If someone has a bad job, it is only their fault that they do not learn well and not working well. Of course, every doctor knows that he learned well, so the only problem is that others may not normally have to pay them. Where there are not enough people who can pay a hundred dollars per visit in private surgeries, it means that there is no market, so why do we need these doctors - let them work as taxi drivers, or are to England, where he is right the market!
Unfortunately, such a statement is not only nonsense, but complete rationalization of the effects of a system which can not ensure or work for all, or good wages for certain categories of workers. It connects with the ordinary racism of the kind that obviously earn less in China or Africa, because they are dumber, lazier, etc. and not be able to create jobs for themselves.
If anyone has a "good job" is a fart, and not the result of any capacity. If someone wants to move to another country to change jobs, and it is not a white European,-waiting for him deported!
third We need to adapt to the market. Here we see the hypocrisy
capitalists. "Market" does not create human needs, but their financial capacity or the desire of profit of capitalists.
Where farmers in third world can send to Europe, its production, the capitalists are lobbying for subsidies in Europe. When the capitalists have to buy anything from third world countries, is lobbying for a policy of "open door" when they are the owners of food processing plants in those countries and need something to import. The Government and the capitalists decide how you want your market.
course true libertarian would say that it just is not capitalism - but the wealth, which now owns most of the bosses, this is a product or laws favorable to them, or property, which inherited, or complete exploitation of their employees. I do not know many libertarians who say that it is worth even a chance - for example, to the rich gave part of his possessions, so workers have the capital. Maybe it's because they know that most people with capital will be able to learn how their work without samoorganizować geniuses of the libertarian movement. They know it, but still trying to convince others that half the world is nothing, and only thanks to the generosity of employers, bosses who give them jobs, and only through injustice social welfare may still survive. And not quite the case that due to the global system of exploitation of a student - white boy sitting at the computer (through which no prospect of a Chinese factory has cancer, and a stingy, but "wise", the entrepreneur has a villa) in the hut (which you probably got parents from the state) and writes (thanks to free education, as we all were paying) the dogmas of the ideologues of capitalism and thinks it is more diligent than Chinese, and how bad is this "socialism", because without subsidies, could probably have more and those lazy farmers not be sitting all day at home on your ass, just arrived in Warsaw, where, and so would be no competition for him or his family - because lizodupy capitalist libertarians are smart capitalists and others appreciate it.


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