Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Explain An Engine

Poniatowski Bridge

Ośmioprzęsłowy bridge was built between 1905-1913. Two years later, the retreating Soviet army blew up the top two pillars. The bridge was rebuilt in the years 1921-1926, but in 1944 the bridge was destroyed again, this time by leaving the Germans in Warsaw.
Then left and right edges of the city combined the only wysokowodny wooden bridge. One of the first reconstruction projects in the city, was just the reconstruction of Bridge Poniatowski, who designed the Stanislaw Hempel. The bridge had to be rebuilt within 8 months. In July 1945, started its reconstruction and 4 December 1945 zwaliły all the arcs of the third bay and killed a worker.
450D + 8mm Samyang
harsh winter began and the date of installation arcs moved in the spring. It was agreed that the opening of the bridge will be held at the Renaissance Festival. When the bridge was finished, just before the opening of the tanks and a column of cars Hempel's eye made a final trial of strength. On July 22, 1946 officially opened the bridge and its reconstruction lasted eleven months.
450d + a few frames from 8mm Samyang
In the following years have seen a smaller and more repairs, but in the years 1963-1966 was isolated trackway. By 2012 It is planned to play bridge, art nouveau appearance min. beautiful railings visible on the photograph. Less time and no work had not yet begun. It's a pity that the renovated towers have become the object of vandalism. Windows were broken, and the walls were smeared. It is difficult to find an explanation for such stupidity.


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